Sunday 13 September 2020


"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth."
(Psalm 121:1-2)

In these crazy, crazy times which we now find ourselves living, where and who are we looking to for help to see us safely through? Friends, are you trusting in man and the things of man, or are you holding fast to God and the things of God? Do you cling to the Word which is life eternal, or to the world which is about to crash and burn horribly? These are questions of the most fundamental importance! As it is indelibly written, "Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD." (Jeremiah 17:5). There is but One solid Rock, all else is utterly unstable sand, and the tide is coming in so, so fast.

Are you trusting to "science falsely so called" which the Apostle Paul urged Timothy to avoid? (1 Tim. 6:20). Is your hope in a vaccine, which if or when it comes will certainly be insufficiently tested for its safeness, its long-term effects completely unknown, and potentially cause more harm than good? A vaccine which would in all likelihood involve some form of "immunity passport," without which someone would not be allowed any freedom of movement, and be denied access to places of work, shops or health services, etc.? This would in effect be the direct precursor to the implementation of the mark of the beast itself, without which no-one may buy or sell. And in tandem with the massive push globally for a vaccine, runs the drive to phase out hard currency and replace it - eventually completely - with card transactions and cryptocurrency. It's all about having control over every aspect of people's lives. 

Social conditioning for what is to come is well under way. Enforced mask-wearing is all part of this prepping of the populace to unquestioningly comply with governmental directives and conform to "the new normal," and is in itself a notable forerunner of the soon coming mark, which will be hyped to a grateful, completely duped public as being for their own good, their health and safety and that of everyone else - and with similar success! Satan has ever been the subtlest beast of the field. Under the guise of what is in all our best interests, basic human rights are rapidly counting for nothing, and are being removed almost completely unchallenged; totalitarianism such as is hitherto unknown in the West is coming about and being meekly accepted - even welcomed! - at breathtaking speed. The writing is on the wall, but who can, or will, read it? We who believe have to cleave to the Lord, depend on His strength and mercies, and trust to His promises as never before. The hour is late, I think much later than we might dare to consider.

And where is the Church in all this, we have to ask? Well, to all intents and purposes it's capitulating without question or pause to secular demands and expectations; what was already a mostly apostate body is just becoming increasingly so, as it swallows hook line and sinker the official narrative concerning COVID-19. The Church which has so very largely replaced Biblical Truth and objectivity with fleshly, experiential lies and subjectivity - whereby "truth" is held to be whatever you want it to be, and if it feels good then it is good - is not standing apart from the world and warning it of the Great Tribulation to come, but is completely in step with the world and its God-rejecting ways. The Church has now made itself not answerable to and faithful to God, but answerable to and faithful to the secular State alone.

This is a time of separation; the sheep will go one way and the goats will go another; institutional Christianity, if we might call it that, is now essentially all but dead in the water. I've long believed that it will be at the end as it was at the beginning, an underground Church meeting in each other's homes, in Spirit and in Truth; it will comprise of that Remnant of faithful believers who have not bowed the knee to Baal, and have come out of Babylonian structured religiosity as Scripture commands. (Revelation 18:4). Their declaration and their determination will be:

"As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
(Joshua 24:15)

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Jesus told us that when we began to see the onset of the things that He told us to watch for, to look up, and lift up our heads, for our redemption was drawing near. (Luke 21:28). In my humble opinion, we are well past the beginning of such things, and the signs of the times are getting ever more severe and closer together. 

In the context of our great hope in Him, amidst so much hopelessness in this world in which we are just sojourning, I'd like here to encourage the Remnant with this little video, made for and uploaded to my YouTube channel some years ago. May this most apposite and uplifting Johnny Cash gospel song bless you as much as it has blessed me!

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