Thursday 17 January 2019


"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, 
goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law."
(Galatians 5:22-23)

When and how does good fruit become bad?

Many of you will no doubt be aware of the unresolved high-level dispute between Jacob Prasch of Moriel Ministries and David Nathan of Bread of Life Ministries in South Africa, a white-hot controversy which has also caused other individuals and ministries to be targeted in a way that is so far removed from proper Christian conduct that it just beggars belief that such things are happening and on such a global scale.

After examining the matter most carefully, from all presenting perspectives, I was much moved to write to Jacob Prasch on 17 December 2018, a most sincere plea which has sadly elicited no response whatsoever. (A circumstance which I am given to understand is unfortunately by no means unusual when the behaviour of Mr. Prasch and the Moriel organization is being questioned).

After twice trying to get a message through on the Moriel website's own online contact facility, and each time receiving a Mail Failure notice, I then emailed directly to David Lister's email address. Mr. Lister is Jacob Prasch's "Number Two" in Moriel, and appears to act as a conduit / filter for correspondence to their organization. This time the email was sent without problem, no Failure notice occurring, therefore it was definitely received but just as definitely dismissed.

I wish here to highlight a particular paragraph in my missive to Moriel, for I consider the question I've posed there to be of great import, not just to the particular teacher my correspondence was addressed to, but to ALL who would claim to watch on the walls, whoever and wherever they might be. If honestly answered, it would reveal much about us, and the true or the false spirit in which we are actually operating. 


The question for every watchperson (myself included!) is, where do you draw the line? Where have indisputable facts perhaps strayed into the no-man's land of subjective opinion? Has good fruit maybe over-ripened and so become bad fruit? Have we let grace somehow be a casualty when fighting in the name of righteousness? When does objective analysis and warning become unhealthy obsession and witch-hunt? When do one's labours for the Lord become an unwholesome flight into folly? We are ever at risk of earnest contention for the Faith morphing into belief and trust in self rather than belief and trust in Him alone! Flesh is always waiting in the wings, ready to take centre stage given just the fraction of a chance!

We who keep watch are effectively walking a well-greased tightrope. Balance is everything, but carefully maintaining balance is a hard thing to achieve. It is only possible with the exercising of grace, evidenced in the exhibition of the fruit of the spirit. Discernment in and of itself is insufficient when walking the wire; it must be faithfully fused with grace, or else the spiritual pole we use to keep us steady will be unevenly weighted with inevitably grave consequences.

UK-based discernment ministry and the manner in which it operates has come glaringly under the spotlight. And when what is probably the biggest name in this field in this country is so disturbingly acting in the most questionable of fashions, it is concerning indeed. A long dark shadow is thrown over all who are called into such ministry. We are few enough in number as it is, and subject in every which way to the Enemy's attempts to take us out; the very last thing we need is the reckless pressing of a self-destruct button to do his work for him!

Another most lamentable knock-on effect of watchmen behaving badly, and demonstrating a completely cavalier disregard for grace and an absence of the fruit of the Spirit, is that it is effectively giving a green light to their followers to act in the selfsame manner. It's the old What's-sauce-for-the-goose-is-sauce-for-the-gander Syndrome, the kind of contagion that I've seen much too much evidence of in a Body that is terribly sick in so many ways. Grace begets grace, while absence of grace begets absence of grace - something for us all to think deeply about! As it is written:

"And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh 
with the affections and lusts. 
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 
Let us not be desirous of vain glory, 
provoking one another, envying one another."
(Galatians 5:24-26)


My hope is that something of notable value could nevertheless come out of this most grievous controversy, in that it might cause all who are called to warn of the great Falling Away to examine our own selves and our own ministry modus operandi. I speak this first to myself, that I might personally always endeavour to keep a careful check on myself, that my conduct be in keeping with what is expected of me as a declared follower of the Way. And if I should fall short, may the Lord pull me up on it, and cause me to properly reflect, with a willingness to learn and to do better. Let us all do likewise, for if we who watch are giving testament to discernment, but not to grace, then we are not in the realm of wisdom but of folly.

* * * * * * *

For anyone interested, the full text of my email to Moriel is re-produced below:

Dear Jacob!

I've listened to and valued many hours of your teachings over the years, sharing so many of your concerns about the great Falling Away. I've always held your ministry in high esteem and have the greatest respect for your learning. But I've sadly found myself becoming increasingly alarmed about your modus operandi in the last couple of years, in your presentation of what is actually personal speculation as hard fact and a most disturbing lack of grace in your interaction with others.

I am greatly perturbed by the current high-level and very public and unrighteous debacle involving yourself, David Nathan, Stewart and Deborah Menelaws, and others caught up in it all. I have diligently sought out and examined the facts of the matter, in what I believe to be a conscientious and fair-minded manner, and frankly and very disappointedly have found your allegations to be unfounded. One dear sister in the Lord whose friendship I much value has been herself targeted in this campaign you are currently waging. This being so, my spirit will no longer allow me to remain silent. Individuals and ministries have been quite wantonly damaged by your words and deeds, and it is long overdue for all this to cease.

Jacob, you are hurting not just them but your own self and ministry by behaving in such a way, a way which is alien to how Christians should be conducting themselves. It pains me to make this observation. It is heartbreaking indeed that the issues of contention were not addressed in a proper Christian manner, being instead thrust directly and devastatingly into the public eye. Being called in my own small way into discernment ministry, it grieves me personally that the integrity of such ministry will inevitably be called into question as a consequence of all this. It casts a deep shadow over all of us who try our best to keep watch on the walls.

Jacob, in the Name of all that is Right and True, can you please bring yourself to kick stubborn pride into touch and properly apologize and repent of your unseemly actions and seek reconciliation? For the sake not just of those you have injured but of all of us who together constitute the Body of Christ? And as a good witness to those outside of the Body? Is not humility, and the desire to right wrongs, the mark of a God-fearing man who wants to be at peace with his Maker, his fellows, and last but not least his own self?

I wrote this recently in answer to a correspondent, and it seems to me that it bears repeating here:

The question for every watchperson (myself included!) is, where do you draw the line? Where have indisputable facts perhaps strayed into the no-man's land of subjective opinion? Has good fruit maybe over-ripened and so become bad fruit? Have we let grace somehow be a casualty when fighting in the name of righteousness? When does objective analysis and warning become unhealthy obsession and witch-hunt? When do one's labours for the Lord become an unwholesome flight into folly? We are ever at risk of earnest contention for the Faith morphing into belief and trust in self rather than belief and trust in Him alone! Flesh is always waiting in the wings, ready to take centre stage given just the fraction of a chance!

Please don't reject this entreaty out of hand, Jacob. I know I'm just a minnow splashing in here among big fish in a troubled pond, but having boldness in the certainty that we are all equal in Christ I am moved to make this plea directly to you, in the hope and with the prayer that it will be accepted and properly considered in the same spirit in which it is made.

Most sincerely in Him,
Rob Thomas