Thursday, 29 August 2013


Tommy Tenney, the false "God Chaser!"

The following first-hand report of false teacher Tommy Tenney's regrettable return to the Victory Church at Cwmbran, home of the counterfeit "Welsh Outpouring" was sent to me last night by Mr. Steven Thomas. It came in as a comment on a previous article, but I felt that it should be given a greater prominence by featuring it in a new posting.

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Great site and excellent discernment Bro. Rob. I have just come back from listening to Tommy Tenney speak at Cwmbran this evening (28/8/13). 

His message was a complete mix of funny stories, anecdotes and sadly, but not too surprisingly; no turning to God's Word. He did make a couple (and only a couple) of references to things in the Bible (his talk was about worship, hospitality and the "atmosphere" for God "coming down" to "visit us") but that was it. 

He was about to ask the congregation to turn to their Bibles but found that at least 90% didn't even bring one, so he asked them if it was okay that he just talked and paraphrased from memory scripture that he was going to use.

The congregation lapped it up like sheep that have gone astray. I closed my Bible half way through as it was obvious it was not needed. 

This is the 3rd and probably the final time I visit the church to see what is going on. The whole "outpouring" is a complete work of emotionalism, hype, lacking any kind of Biblical discernment and demonic spirits masking themselves as the "Holy Spirit" (like you see in Eastern Mysticism)...

Keep up the good work. I have written a report myself on the goings on in Cwmbran. If you would like to see what I witnessed in one meeting let me know. 

God Bless!

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I am very grateful to Mr. Steven Thomas for his integrity and willingness to share and put his name to this very important feedback. I publish this in the sincere hope that readers of his report will loudly hear the alarm bells ringing, and avoid Victory Church and its utterly false "Welsh Outpouring" like the plague. For it is indeed an End Times spiritual plague!

(Please read and consider Steven's report in conjunction with the very first article on this blog posted on 16 May, 2013: "The Welsh Outpouring - A Refreshing or a Deception?" which outlines some very real concerns about Tommy Tenney, friend and mentor of Pastor Richard Taylor).

I would be more than pleased to receive further reports from Steven or anyone else out there who is able and willing to share concerns about what is happening in Cwmbran (or anywhere else in Wales for that matter!) Either post a comment, or send me a personal email at: