"Billy Kennedy, leader of Pioneer, has been appointed as one of the Presidents of Churches Together in England. There are 6 Presidents of the Churches Together in England group representing 43 member denominations."
(Source: 'Pioneer' announcement dated 24th. September, 2014)
N.B. This malignant growth in the Body is also known, particularly in the USA, as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), (mis)led by the self-accredited "apostle" C. Peter Wagner.
Gerald Coates, BNCM pioneer and (mis)leader.
Back in February I published an article detailing the Satanic 5-point plan for seizing the Church, and taking it in a completely wrong direction, a direction which the Bible refers to as the "Falling Away." IT IS NOTEWORTHY THAT OF THE FIVE POINTS OUTLINED, NO LESS THAN FOUR (with leanings towards the fifth also!) HAVE BEEN ENTHUSIASTICALLY EMBRACED AND FOSTERED BY 'PIONEER!'
See: http://watchman4wales.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/flesh-satans-five-point-plan-for.html
Please refer to this article for a more detailed analysis of the "Fivefold Ministry" (and the other four great deceptions planted by the Enemy in the End-Times Church). In a nutshell, the entire Restoration / BNCM / NAR / 'Pioneer' phenomenon has been founded on a dangerous delusion. The Apostles of the New Testament were foundational to the Church, eye-witnesses of the resurrected Lord, and when the Canon of Scripture was completed by John - the very last Apostle - with the Book of Revelation, their foundational role was completed for all time.
"For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself."
(Galatians 6:3)
Those who call themselves "apostles" today are NOT, and never could be, true apostles. Similarly, those calling themselves "prophets" do NOT occupy a prophetic office. Their supposed and self declared authority is not granted of God, and those accepting of their assumed position of power and control are not living in the Cross-won freedom of the Gospel, but are being moulded into a MAN-centred, fleshly and hierarchical MANagement model, masquerading as God-given. As the Apostle Paul pointed out in Ephesians 2:20, the Church is "built upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone." We build upon that foundation which was COMPLETED nearly 2,000 years ago!
A NEW foundation is being laid, replacing the original, and as the original (and extant!) structure is built upon the Rock, pure logic dictates that any new foundation is being laid NEXT to it, in the sand!
"What did you say about high tide? I'm much too busy to listen now, mate!"
They call it the "NEW Church Movement" and this appellation says it all. They are intent on building a NEW Church, which emphasizes their rejection of the "OLD!" But there is only one Church, one Body, one Bride, with one foundation, one corner stone.
Well did the prophet Jeremiah speak of such a thing:
"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein."
(Jeremiah 6:16)
Once you've left "the old paths, where is the good way," and have laid a new and false foundation in the sand NEXT to the Rock, what gets built on it is inevitably going to be shaky indeed! As the Bible succinctly warns us:
"Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?"
(1 Corinthians 5:6)
Let us note well that one of the dictionary definitions of leaven is: "AN INFLUENCE THAT PRODUCES A GRADUAL CHANGE."
The insidious initial influence, the key agent of change, was the 'LATTER RAIN' movement, that kicked off in Canada in 1948. It introduced the leaven that over the intervening years has mutated the Body to such a degree that it is now almost unrecognizable from how it started out. The leaven has indeed leavened the whole lump. That "lump" we may now legitimately label LAODICEA, the 7th. Church of Revelation which models the final Church Age, which boasts of itself:
"I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing."
To which the Lord bluntly replies:
"Thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked."
(Revelation 3:17)
A chain reaction of deadly delusion has long been evidenced, for when we lay and build upon a false foundation, one error will inevitably lead on to another and Biblical truths like dominoes tumble one by one. This is why the proud and militant Restorationism of groups like 'Pioneer' has resulted in the vigorous promotion of other similarly grievously mistaken beliefs like Replacement Theology and Dominionism, the 'Kingdom Now' worldview which proclaims an all-conquering "Church triumphant," which wins the world and then hands over the Kingdom to Christ at His return. The victory is no longer HIS... it is OURS! And this travesty all stems from the Latter Rain heretical teaching of the emergence of an all-powerful, mega-anointed battalion of Christian super-troops, 'The Manifest Sons of God' aka 'Joel's Army.'
The leaven works its way through the whole lump. It needs to be emphasized that a belief in Dominionism requires the rejection of the authority of Scripture, with the adoption of an eschatology which is entirely at odds with that which the Bible presents. And once you have rejected the authority of Holy Writ and ruthlessly edited its pages, you are open to accept ANYTHING that it expressly teaches AGAINST! Like ECUMENISM, which we will now look at in the light of the 'Pioneer' announcement of 24/9/14 which headed this article.
When Gerald Coates decided to take a back seat, the reins of 'Pioneer' passed in 2009 to Billy and Caroline Kennedy, senior leaders since 2002 of New Community Church (Southampton), a church which emerged in the '70s with roots firmly in the Charismatic Renewal, and with intimate connections to the "big boys" of British Restorationism in the form of Arthur Wallis and Tony Morton. Its ecumenical and 'Toronto Blessing' leanings are evidenced in its enthusiastic participation in the 'Alpha Course' deception. Significantly, 'Pioneer' became a member of 'Churches Together' in 2011.
Which brings us to the latest (very bad) news, the appointment of Billy Kennedy to the position of the 6th. President of Churches Together in England, the premier promoter of ecumenism in the UK. Of his elevation to this pinnacle of apostasy, Mr. Kennedy gushed:
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"
(2 Corinthians 6:14)

The new President Kennedy!
The new President Kennedy!
When Gerald Coates decided to take a back seat, the reins of 'Pioneer' passed in 2009 to Billy and Caroline Kennedy, senior leaders since 2002 of New Community Church (Southampton), a church which emerged in the '70s with roots firmly in the Charismatic Renewal, and with intimate connections to the "big boys" of British Restorationism in the form of Arthur Wallis and Tony Morton. Its ecumenical and 'Toronto Blessing' leanings are evidenced in its enthusiastic participation in the 'Alpha Course' deception. Significantly, 'Pioneer' became a member of 'Churches Together' in 2011.
Which brings us to the latest (very bad) news, the appointment of Billy Kennedy to the position of the 6th. President of Churches Together in England, the premier promoter of ecumenism in the UK. Of his elevation to this pinnacle of apostasy, Mr. Kennedy gushed:
"I am thrilled to be the first leader of a new church network to take on the role of a President of Churches Together in England to represent a number of new church streams, the Lutheran and German speaking churches and the Society of Friends. Over the past few decades thousands of new churches have formed creating new expressions of church life in villages, towns and cities across England. I am pleased to be able to draw some of these new churches to the ecumenical table to learn from our brothers and sisters in Christ and make our contribution to the unfolding unity of the church in England."
(Source: Churches Together in England, Press Release of 24th. September, 2014)
This statement shows the incredible extent to which Billy Kennedy is deceived, and in turn is seeking to deceive others by his deplorable desire to "draw churches to the ecumenical table." THOSE WHO SIT AT THE ECUMENICAL TABLE WORK TO THE AGENDA NOT OF CHRIST BUT OF ANTICHRIST! ECUMENISM IS THE END-TIMES BROAD ROAD TO RUIN FOR THE PROFESSING CHURCH. IT HAS ONLY ONE FINAL DESTINATION: ROME... AND A RENDEZVOUS WITH THE SECOND BEAST OF REVELATION!
Who sits at this table, to deliver, deliberate upon, and disseminate the doctrines of devils?
Of the "Select Six," I only need to focus here on one other occupant of the chairs around that table of treachery. That occupant is the premier Roman Catholic in England & Wales, Vincent Nichols the Archbishop of Westminster, and who this year was made a Cardinal by Pope Francis. This supposed champion of the Christian faith has not only allowed a commemoration of the birth of Mohammed to be held at an RC college chapel in Birmingham, but has offered flowers at 'the altar to the deities' at Neasden's Hindu Temple! Yes, a true champion of the Faith... NOT!
And these are just his extraordinary inter-faith excesses. In terms of his own faith (which is actually unbelief!), we just have to say loudly and clearly that ROMAN CATHOLICISM IS EMPHATICALLY NOT TRUE BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY! How about...
Transubstantiation (god-eating), Papal infallibility, purgatory, works salvation, confession to priests (who blasphemously call themselves 'Father'), Absolution, the Mass, the rosary, a Bible that includes the Apocrypha, worship of Mary, praying to images (idolatry), veneration of relics (necromancy), bestowing of sainthoods, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera... A vast catalogue of gross errors, which no born-again Christian should venture within a million miles of, never mind be a willing partner to! And yet the leader of 'Pioneer' has no problem at all in defying Scripture and yoking himself to this harlot religious system, with all its grievous misrepresentation of the Christian faith and its abominable pagan practices!
ALL Presidents of 'Churches Together' sign a covenant, committing them to "pray to God to lead us, with all our sisters and brothers in Christ, towards communion in faith, life and witness, so that, united in one body by the one Spirit, we may together witness to the perfect unity of his love."
UNITED IN ONE BODY? Friends, there is an immense problem here, with potentially dire consequences for those who dare to defile the Body through union with an entity that is "Christian" in name only, and which Scripture bluntly calls a GREAT WHORE: the Church of Rome! (See Revelation 17). Of such a thing the Word of God declares:
Who sits at this table, to deliver, deliberate upon, and disseminate the doctrines of devils?
Of the "Select Six," I only need to focus here on one other occupant of the chairs around that table of treachery. That occupant is the premier Roman Catholic in England & Wales, Vincent Nichols the Archbishop of Westminster, and who this year was made a Cardinal by Pope Francis. This supposed champion of the Christian faith has not only allowed a commemoration of the birth of Mohammed to be held at an RC college chapel in Birmingham, but has offered flowers at 'the altar to the deities' at Neasden's Hindu Temple! Yes, a true champion of the Faith... NOT!
Vincent Nichols receives a pagan blessing at Neasden's Hindu Temple.
And these are just his extraordinary inter-faith excesses. In terms of his own faith (which is actually unbelief!), we just have to say loudly and clearly that ROMAN CATHOLICISM IS EMPHATICALLY NOT TRUE BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY! How about...
Transubstantiation (god-eating), Papal infallibility, purgatory, works salvation, confession to priests (who blasphemously call themselves 'Father'), Absolution, the Mass, the rosary, a Bible that includes the Apocrypha, worship of Mary, praying to images (idolatry), veneration of relics (necromancy), bestowing of sainthoods, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera... A vast catalogue of gross errors, which no born-again Christian should venture within a million miles of, never mind be a willing partner to! And yet the leader of 'Pioneer' has no problem at all in defying Scripture and yoking himself to this harlot religious system, with all its grievous misrepresentation of the Christian faith and its abominable pagan practices!
Nice Dagon fish-god hat, Archbishop!
DEFILING THE TEMPLEALL Presidents of 'Churches Together' sign a covenant, committing them to "pray to God to lead us, with all our sisters and brothers in Christ, towards communion in faith, life and witness, so that, united in one body by the one Spirit, we may together witness to the perfect unity of his love."
UNITED IN ONE BODY? Friends, there is an immense problem here, with potentially dire consequences for those who dare to defile the Body through union with an entity that is "Christian" in name only, and which Scripture bluntly calls a GREAT WHORE: the Church of Rome! (See Revelation 17). Of such a thing the Word of God declares:
"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."
(1 Corinthians 3:16-17)
As we've already observed, but which bears repeating, once you've rejected the absolute authority of God's Word, you are open to accept ANYTHING it teaches AGAINST! If Billy Kennedy ever possessed the gift of discernment - which has to be doubtful - he certainly does not exercise it, and what is equally certain is that 'Pioneer' is hurtling down a blind alley towards the brick wall at its far end!
How could I conclude this article without a few notes on the 'Pioneer' network's Welsh connections?
There are four 'Pioneer' churches in South Wales:
Cornerstone Church, Swansea.
Antioch Church, Llanelli.
New Horizons, Cardiff.
The Gap, Cardiff.
Cornerstone Church has been part of 'Pioneer' since 1991, and its Senior Leaders Julian and Sarah Richards have their fingers in many a suspect spiritual pie! Amongst other things, Julian is on the leadership team of 'Pioneer' itself, and is the leader of New Wine Cymru which is at the forefront of promoting the 'Toronto Blessing' here in Wales. Wife Sarah is also on the 'Pioneer' leadership team, and also that of 'New Wine Cymru,' as well as being a board member of 'Willow Creek UK and Ireland.' They are a couple who are at the forefront of furthering End-Times deception not only in Wales but in the UK as a whole.

It is also very relevant to point out that The Gap's incredible lack of discernment is evidenced by their recommending people to check out the Company of Burning Hearts. The Cardiff-based COBH is an integral part of the dreadfully deluded 'New Mystics' movement, which is immersed in occult practices, and has nothing whatsoever to do with true Biblical Christianity!
(See http://watchman4wales.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/company-of-burning-hearts-cardiff-based.html )
'PIONEER' should be seen as an acronym, with its letters standing for:
How could I conclude this article without a few notes on the 'Pioneer' network's Welsh connections?
There are four 'Pioneer' churches in South Wales:
Cornerstone Church, Swansea.
Antioch Church, Llanelli.
New Horizons, Cardiff.
The Gap, Cardiff.
Cornerstone Church has been part of 'Pioneer' since 1991, and its Senior Leaders Julian and Sarah Richards have their fingers in many a suspect spiritual pie! Amongst other things, Julian is on the leadership team of 'Pioneer' itself, and is the leader of New Wine Cymru which is at the forefront of promoting the 'Toronto Blessing' here in Wales. Wife Sarah is also on the 'Pioneer' leadership team, and also that of 'New Wine Cymru,' as well as being a board member of 'Willow Creek UK and Ireland.' They are a couple who are at the forefront of furthering End-Times deception not only in Wales but in the UK as a whole.
(Mis)leaders of Cornerstone, 'Pioneer,' New Wine Cymru... Julian and Sarah Richards.
It is also very relevant to point out that The Gap's incredible lack of discernment is evidenced by their recommending people to check out the Company of Burning Hearts. The Cardiff-based COBH is an integral part of the dreadfully deluded 'New Mystics' movement, which is immersed in occult practices, and has nothing whatsoever to do with true Biblical Christianity!
(See http://watchman4wales.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/company-of-burning-hearts-cardiff-based.html )
'PIONEER' should be seen as an acronym, with its letters standing for:
"Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise."
(1 Corinthians 3:18)