Sunday 1 November 2015


"... there shall be false teachers among you... And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you..." (2 Peter 2:1-3)

Having just completed this little video and uploaded it to my YouTube channel, I thought to share it here on the blog also. It forcibly struck me just how poignant the words of this old Gospel song are, when comparing the lyricist's sincere sentiments to the dollar-driven and shallow worldliness of the 'Word of Faith' merchants, whose gross misrepresentation of the Faith has seduced so many into equating God's blessing with the size of one's bank balance, and substituting grace for greed.

No agency on the planet has played a greater role in promoting the heinous "prosperity gospel" globally than TBN, whose programming is a veritable "Who's Who" of 'Word of Faith' charlatans, who have amassed vast personal fortunes at the expense of those who they have cynically conned into trusting their twisted message.

These are men and women whose assumed spirituality is the very antithesis of that of the good lady who many years ago wrote the heartfelt words of this beautiful song. These are folks who under the guise of Godliness unashamedly present a counterfeit "Christianity" of covetousness and carnality. Pernicious indeed are their ways, and the Way of Truth is indeed evil spoken of because of them. Unsaved people see them for what they are, and tragically want nothing to do with the Faith in consequence of what they see; it's only professing Christians who are hooked by the hype! 

"Silver and gold have I none" declared the Apostle Peter, as recorded in Acts 3:6. He'd never have had acceptable credentials for getting aired on TBN...


Watching TBN? Do yourself a very big favour: pick up your TV remote and press the 'OFF' button. Then do yourself an even bigger favour:

"Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read."
(Isaiah  34:16)