Peter Jenkins of Victory Church and the Order of St Leonard.
I have no doubts that Mr. Jenkins has been deeply affected personally by the dramatic downfall and departure of Richard Taylor, as he was actually Taylor's mentor at the Renewal Christian Centre in Solihull, whose Senior Pastor is one David Carr, who started the church back in 1972.
The Right Reverend Dr. David Carr OSL (he likes his titles!) is a man of many parts. And one especially important part is his pre-eminent position as Bishop Abbot of the Order of St. Leonard, being the first Bishop of the Diocese of Wroxall Abbey. Does not this grand nomenclature immediately set alarm bells ringing in the ranks of Protestant, Nonconformist, born-again believers? It certainly should! Let's delve a little deeper...
The Order of St. Leonard is another of Dr. Carr's own creations, and he remains firmly at the helm of this very heavily Roman Catholic influenced institution. It was in 2009 that the Order was founded at Wren's Chapel, on the site of St. Leonard's (Roman Catholic) Priory at Wroxall in Warwickshire, and Carr himself was installed as the first Bishop of the Diocese of Wroxall Abbey.
It would seem that the good Doctor had been struck by the apparent similarities between the work of Saint (as canonized by the Pope) Leonard and that of his own Renewal Christian Centre! The RCC is an integral part of Churches Together in Central Solihull, and this speaks volumes in itself about Dr Carr's and RCC's deplorable failure to make a stand on sound doctrine, preferring instead an unholy antichrist alliance with those who preach "another gospel." This quest for an illusory unity at the expense of Gospel purity could not be more clearly demonstrated than by Carr's crowning glory, the thoroughly ecumenical, Pit-deep delusion that is the Order of St. Leonard!
Error breeds error, multiplying and mutating. As Paul so pointedly penned:
"Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?"
(1 Corinthians 5:6)
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"
(2 Corinthians 6:14)

Bestowing grand ecclesiastical titles on each other, and having a penchant for donning fancy clerical vestments in keeping with such exalted status in the "Christian" community, the members of the Order loudly and proudly trumpet their supposed calling to a resurgence of what they naively believe to be praiseworthy and sound "Celtic Christianity." In actuality, the "Church" to which the Celts belonged and whose countless grievous departures from Truth they embraced... was none other than the harlot Church of Rome!
Let us be clear on this. An "Order" such at that founded by Carr is a Roman Catholic invention, not a Scriptural institution, and grandiose titles such as Bishop Abbot of the Order of St. Leonard and Bishop of the Diocese of Wroxall Abbey are thoroughly Roman Catholic in nature. (Abbots and abbeys were also R.C. inventions). Similarly, the Order's clerical garb is so much pretentious R.C. garb-age! Given this most regrettable and pompous predilection of Dr. Carr for the extra-Biblical trappings of Roman religion, is it then any surprise that he has been boasting that he's having an audience with Pope Francis this year?
Carr's autobiography. Nice pagan Celtic cross and R.C. attire, Doctor!
Carr's visit to the Vatican will almost certainly have been arranged by his "dear friend" Tony Palmer, a Bishop within the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches, to which the Order of St. Leonard is affiliated. Just a few months before his recent death in a motorcycle accident, Tony Palmer had been instrumental in forging a new and quite unprecedented closeness between Pope Francis - a personal friend of his - and "evangelicals" as represented by the notorious Word-Faith heretic, Kenneth Copeland. Details of this can be found here:
"As you climb higher up the mountain you hear more truth, you speak more truth."
(Rt. Rev. Dr. David Carr OSL)
It does rather depend on WHAT mountain you are climbing, Dr. Carr! If you are on the WRONG mountain, you might just find that there's a sacrificial altar to BAAL smoking in the 'high place' at the summit!
Peter Jenkins duly became not only a Trustee of the Order of St. Leonard but also, would you believe, a Canon within it!
Here is the list of the Order's trustees, as supplied by Open Charities:
Dr. David Carr, Rev. Niall Alan Cluley, Mr. Philip Geoffrey Greenaway, Mr. Peter Jenkins, Mr Robert Eric Williams, Rev. Dr. Anthony John Carr, Mr. David Insull.
(Source: )
Rev. Dr. Anthony John Carr, David Carr's brother, Bishop and Trustee of the OSL.
In the Order's own published Member Directory, Peter Jenkins is listed as Canon and Trustee. (Source: )
Without realizing the bitter irony of his own words - in light of his dismal failure to discern the antichrist spirit of false ecumenical unity behind the fleshly pantomime that is the Order of St. Leonard, and his similar complete failure to discern the counterfeit spirit behind the connivance and contrivance that was the so-called "Welsh Outpouring" at Victory Church in Cwmbran last year - here is a Jenkins quote from September, 2008, concerning the Lakeland, Florida "revival" spearheaded by the notorious Todd Bentley:
"I am so sad for those who just cannot discern deception. Jesus told us many will be deceived by people who in the name of the Lord perform signs and wonders. As long as there are miracles does that mean we have to accept everything that goes with them? Todd Bentley is what he is and by now most people know what that means."
- Peter Jenkins
(Source: )
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You are sad for those who cannot discern deception? Be sad for yourself then, Mr. Jenkins, for your own words have boomeranged back at you! Count yourself now, sir, as being one of the many who - as you yourself have pointed out! - will be deceived by people who in the name of the Lord perform signs and wonders. Men like the man who you yourself mentored... who had to leave the pulpit in disgrace...
How were you utterly unable to discern that the false spirit behind Lakeland and Todd Bentley is the selfsame lying spirit behind the "Welsh Outpouring" and Richard Taylor? How could you so clearly and correctly see what was happening on the other side of the Atlantic, but couldn't see what was right under your own nose on your own door-step? Who blinded you, Mr. Jenkins?
Do you not perceive that you are culpable in this whole sorrowful saga of End-Times deception? Untie the blindfold, sir, and take a good, long and hard look at exactly what you've personally been so actively involved in. Take a good, long and hard look at the men who you've so willingly aided and abetted in their quest for self-aggrandizement, and in their determination to steer themselves and their followers off the narrow way, and career headlong down the broad road where the sole destination is destruction.
It's not too late to slam the brakes on, sir, and turn around! I hope and pray that you do, for your own sake and the sake of those you have influence over. The ball is in your court, Mr. Jenkins. Play it wisely!
Do you not perceive that you are culpable in this whole sorrowful saga of End-Times deception? Untie the blindfold, sir, and take a good, long and hard look at exactly what you've personally been so actively involved in. Take a good, long and hard look at the men who you've so willingly aided and abetted in their quest for self-aggrandizement, and in their determination to steer themselves and their followers off the narrow way, and career headlong down the broad road where the sole destination is destruction.
It's not too late to slam the brakes on, sir, and turn around! I hope and pray that you do, for your own sake and the sake of those you have influence over. The ball is in your court, Mr. Jenkins. Play it wisely!
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Flesh or spirit? It's the choice for all of us to make. Our maxim should be that given by John the Baptist, in carefully considering exactly whose interests our actions and interactions are ultimately serving. The Lord's... or our own?
(John 3:30)
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